Who We are

Strava, founded in 2010, embodies the essence of its name, which means “to strive,” by fostering a strong commitment to excellence, personal growth, and continuous improvement. Over the years, Strava has evolved into an institution dedicated to nurturing both academic and personal success for its students.

In 2024, Strava is under new management, bringing with it a fresh vision and renewed drive for success. With over 20 years of combined industry experience, our leadership team is equipped with the expertise and insight to steer the institution toward even greater achievements. Their experience in education, management, and student development ensures a strong foundation for the future of Strava.

Our directors are more than just experts in their field; they are approachable, compassionate, and inspiring individuals who genuinely care about the well-being and success of every student. They strive to create a supportive and collaborative environment, where students feel not only challenged to excel but also valued and encouraged. This nurturing atmosphere fosters confidence, personal development, and a sense of belonging, helping each student realize their fullest potential.

Strava offers a range of academic programs, extracurricular activities, and professional development opportunities, all designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s ever-evolving world. Whether it’s through innovative teaching methods, personalized mentorship, or a community-focused approach, Strava remains dedicated to empowering students to strive for greatness and achieve their goals.

Strava College, located in Surrey, British Columbia, is operated by the Strava Education Society, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting education and fostering intercultural understanding.

The name “Strava,” derived from Swedish, means “to strive.” At Strava College, we believe that achieving individual goals and dreams requires hard work, focus, and the ability to overcome challenges. This commitment is reflected in our core operational principles.

Strava College is committed to supporting its students as they pursue their goals. Our programs are thoughtfully designed to align with our core principles, while our dedicated faculty and staff are passionate about our vision. Together, we empower students to take the next step in building their futures.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to be a leading, innovative, Canadian training provider that reflects industry standards and builds upon them. We offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their chosen fields.

Strava College, a private higher education institution, serves our community by delivering quality educational programs and services that address the evolving demands of the business world. Our mission is to equip graduates with marketable skills that enhance their employability and overall performance.